Would you like to know more?

How big is the issue nationally?*

  • Each year in the United States, roughly 3.5 million children are referred for child maltreatment investigations, and roughly 650,000 children are served in the foster care system. 
  • The average time spent per stay in foster care is 17.5 months. 
  • The Casey Family National Foster Care Alumni Study found that over 90% of alumni had histories of maltreatment, and 21% reported maltreatment that occurred while they were in foster care.

  • Children and youth who experience trauma, including abuse and neglect, are at increased risk for long-term emotional, behavioral, and physical health problems, among other challenges.

  • Twelve (12) to twenty (20) year-olds represent about 37% of of the total foster care population.
  • Roughly 10% of youth age out of the foster care system having never established permanency with a family. 

    Arizona specific data*

  • In SFY2023, there were 152,856 calls to the Child Abuse Hotline; 45,590 became investigations into child abuse and neglect.

  • At SFY2023 close, there were 11,645 children in foster care.

  • 3,066 were between the ages of 13 and 17.

  • 921 were between the ages of 18 and 21 and living in extended foster care.

  • In SFY2023, 843 young adults left foster care voluntarily upon turning 18.


    Outcome data for youth aging out of foster care*

  • Nearly 30% of young people transitioning out of foster care experience homelessness by age 21.

  • Nearly one-third (1/3) of young people transitioning out of foster care have no high school diploma or GED by age 21.

  • Nearly 45% of young people transitioning out of foster care remain unemployed at age 21.

  • 22% of young people transitioning out of foster car experienced incarceration by age 21.

  • 7 in 10 young females transitioning out of foster care became pregnant within 2 years.

  • 7% of young people transitioning out of foster care had a child by age 17; 10% by age 19; and 22% by age 21.

  • 15% of young females transitioning out of foster care had a child by age 19; 30% had a child by age 21.


    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and foster care*

  • A study assessing foster care alumni found that 30% of respondents met lifetime diagnostic criteria for PTSD compared with 7.6% of a general population sample with similar demographics.

  • Estimates across studies suggest that more than 50% of youth in foster care meet criteria for at least one psychiatric diagnosis during childhood.

  • A study of foster youth aged 8–19 found that 64% of sexually abused participants compared to 42% of physically abused participants met criteria for PTSD, whereas only 18% of those experiencing a trauma other than physical or sexual abuse met criteria for PTSD.

